Buying an electric car is a dream-come-true for pretty much everyone out there. Don't you want an electric vehicle? Or did you just buy one?

Congratulations! Finally, you've got your hands on something you loved so dearly. Are you enjoying cruising it around? It's a testament to all the hard work it took to get you to this point, and you wish about lessening your impact on the environment.

electric car interior

On the other hand, one thing that most people forget about having electric cars is that they require a lot of maintenance. It's not only about the mechanical maintenance; you may have to go the extra mile in order to keep its interior topnotch.

After all, who doesn't want their electric car to look perfect for a long time? I've recently met a lot of people with electric cars, and I've finally found a few practical ways to maintain the exterior of your new prized possession. Ready, set, go!

Refrain From Smoking

I'm sure you know how dangerous smoking is for you. A cigarette is a combination of nicotine and tar; the two ingredients that can eventually eat away your life. It's pretty scary. Isn't it?

Yet, one thing that people often don't realize is that smoking is not only dangerous for you and your kids, but it's also terrible for your car, especially if it's an electric car.

According to a study published in Psychology Today, smoking can significantly harm the exterior of your car and not just that; it can also contribute to air pollution. Nothing can destroy a car's clean interior like a person who allows themselves or others to smoke inside.

It can leave behind a bad odor and cause inconvenience. Oh, and it can also leave stains on your car seat covers. Plus, if you ever feel like reselling your car, smoking can considerably lower the resale value.

Henceforth, I'd say it's one habit you need to get rid of or at least make a new habit of not smoking in the car. You're going to thank me later; I give you my word.

Avoid Eating in the Car

Another fast and hard rule to stick by, if you want the interior of your new electric car to remain factory perfect, is not to eat or drink in the car. Given their very nature, car interiors can get heavily contaminated, and don't forget about the stains.

A number of stains are exceptionally hard to remove so that they may become permanent. Thus, it's better to be safe than sorry later.

It goes without saying that leather, fabric, and carpet upholsteries are surprisingly delicate. They're effective in absorbing whatever comes their way, something that can affect the car adversely.

The best policy is to skip the drive-through and just go inside the restaurant, eat your meal or wait to eat until you get home. That way, you can minimize the chance of your seat covers getting stains, and your car would remain clean.

Give it a thought! I'm certain it's not as difficult as it may seem. I, for one, don't like eating in the car anyway. Why don't you skip this habit too?

Leave the Pets at Home

Do you have a pet? If you happen to have any, you'll know how much of a hassle it is to keep a pet at home. These little ones can be a headache at times. I know because I have a Maltese and he stays cranky for a good part of the day.

You may think it is a good idea to allow your pet to take a ride in the backseat of your new car, but I'd like to warn you here, DON'T. Make sure not to take that risk unless you have a proper seat cover.

It takes nothing for your pet to get bored, and you never know when they start chewing on the seats or get carsick and become hyperactive. Either way, it's not going to end well.

Pay Attention to the Details

If you want the interior of your car to look brand new and perfect all the time, there are a few measures that you MUST take, such as regular cleaning and deep cleaning periodically.

In case you're living in a dusty town, I'd suggest you vacuum the seats and mats of your car every week to make sure that the dust and grime don't get embedded within. Too much work? It's a great habit to get into, trust me.

Be careful with how you clean, though; it needs to be a deep cleaning. As per AutoPreme, an in-famous car floor mat manufacturer, there are two kinds of leather car seats. One of them comes with perforated holes, while others are plain.

Please check out the covers carefully before you begin the cleaning. After that, check the car's manual, or maybe consult a professional for their expert opinion on the matter.

One rule though, is that if you have perforated leather, you shouldn't clean it with water, cleanser, or a conditioner. It must be polished. You'll find a number of leather polish creams in stores and online these days. I've recently got a Furniture Clinic Leather Recoloring Balm, and it works just fine.

The Takeaway

If you choose to follow the simple rules I've mentioned above, I promise your car would feel and look as new as you drove your Tesla off the showroom. A little responsible interior care can lead to fruitful results.

Your car doesn't need to look good only on the outside, but the inside too. It is a primary concern for most people when purchasing a preloved car, so if you wish to sell it anytime soon, take great care of the interior.

Also, now that you have a green vehicle, be sure to look into greener ways to get around your kids and others in your life. Hoverboards, in particular, are a great way to introduce people to getting around cleaner and cooler. Is it too much to ask? Take out a moment and think about it!


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